“Ooooooh, would I!!!”

Anyway, Levant is Jack’s guest and he’s been warned by announcer Don Wilson that Benny has been out of sorts of late (Benny’s absence from the scene is explained by his having stormed off the set), and Oscar has a nice joke when he refers to Don’s boss as “The Magic Violin” (probably a reference to “Evelyn and Her Magic Violin,” featured on Phil Spiltany’s radio program, The Hour of Charm), explaining “I didn’t mean that as a compliment. I only say ‘magic violin’ because when he plays it, everyone disappears.”
DON: Well, Oscar—in answer to your question I’ve been working for Jack for…well, better than twenty years, and it swells my chest with pride to think that a man of Jack’s great talent and dynamic personality would want me as a member of his cast…
OSCAR: Spoken like a man who hasn’t saved a dime…

OSCAR: …a lot of things could be bothering him…tell me, Mary—does he have any problems with money?
MARY: Only keeping his stacks even…
OSCAR: That figures…maybe his age is catching up with him…
MARY: Oscar, his age couldn’t catch up with him if Willie Shoemaker were riding it…
Things begin to deteriorate further after that, with Jack blowing up at his director, Don Weis (played by…um, director Don Weis) until Oscar finally makes the suggestion that Jack come with him to make an appointment with his doctor:
JACK: What do you know about doctors?
OSCAR: What do I know about doctors? Why, if I ever stopped going to doctors they’d have to close two medical schools…
Jack reluctantly makes the trip with Oscar (in his “Jaguar ambulance”) and both men are told that they’ll have to wait to see the doctor, who’s with another patient. As they pass the time in the waiting room, Jack reveals that he’s going to be making a trip to New York soon to sign a new contract, and that sometimes he experiences a little anxiety beforehand. It seems the last time he had to go to the Big Apple, he took Mary out to dinner the night before to celebrate and when it came time to order, he encountered an oh-so-familiar waiter:
JACK: Oh, waiter…waiter…
FRANK: Yesssssss???JACK: We’d like to order, please…
FRANK: Very well… (He hands them both menus)
JACK: What are you going to have, Mary?
MARY: I don’t know…I think I’ll just have a Caesar salad…and some coffee, please…
FRANK: Yes, ma’am… (He starts to leave)
JACK: Wait a minute…you didn’t take my order…
FRANK: I will in a minute…first I’m going to get you a finger bowl…
JACK: A finger bowl?
FRANK: You’re not going to eat with those dirty hands…
JACK: My hands aren’t dirty!
MARY: Jack, order something…
JACK: All right…let’s see…I believe I’ll have some oysters…
FRANK: Yes, sir…a half-dozen or a dozen?
JACK: A dozen…
FRANK: Fried or on the half-shell?
JACK: On the half-shell…
FRANK: Blue Points or Olympias?
JACK: Blue Points…
FRANK: Male or female?
JACK (after a pause): How can you tell whether an oyster is male or female?
FRANK: We look at their drivers’ licenses…I just knew you’d ask!